Dogpatch Neighborhood Association Meeting: November 15, 2011 at 7pm

Dogpatch Neighborhood Association

Per the description on

Regular Members meeting. Moved to Nov. 15 because of election Day. Agenda to follow shortly. New development on the way! A new garden at the Muni mini park….More!

Of course I have a previous engagement, why would my schedule magically clear up? If anyone can scribble some notes, I’d love to type them up for you.

The “Muni mini park,” which is not an off-leash dogpark, is called Woods Yard Park. Observe:

Woods Yard is a block-long miniature open space with two grassy areas and a few shade trees. In between the grass area you’ll find a large sand pit for the kids to play in. Dog-waste bags are provided; restrooms are not.

Emphasis mine. I wouldn’t let children play in that sand after seeing all the neighborhood dogs doing their business there.

If you’re wondering what happened to the two fig trees that were in the middle of the park, I spoke to a worker a few months ago who said that they had not been planted correctly and that had led to the roots suffocating and rotting. New greenery has been planted since, and a sign to keep dogs out of the landscaped areas. I don’t know where they would put a new garden, but that little park could use a bit of love.

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

Well, it was thoroughly raining when I sat in front of my computer and set to building a new blog to ignore and let fall into disarray. This, dear reader, is the result: a clearinghouse for information about the Dogpatch neighborhood* in San Fransisco, and – to a lesser extent – the neighborhoods around it. To wit:

North of Dogpatch — heretofore referred to as “NoDog”

West of Dogpatch — heretofore referred to as “WeDog”

  • Upper Dogpatch / Potrero Hill
  • Showplace Square / Showplace Triangle Park
  • Somisspo (what? Is that even a thing?)

South of Dogpatch — heretofore referred to as “SoDog”

Basically this:

Eastern Neighborhoods

So, hopefully this gives me an excuse to buy a hat, stick a PRESS badge in the brim, and go bug my neighbors to get them to tell me about my newish-to-me neighborhood.

*”Central Waterfront”, if you must