Magnolia Under Construction

Hey! There’s a new interview in 7×7 with Dave Mclean!
Dave McLean Talks About the Magnolia Expansion in Dogpatch

And a pretty cool video interview!
Magnolia Dogpatch coming soon

Magnolia Dogpatch coming soon from Oct28 Productions on Vimeo.

We have, however, heard all this before, but two years ago they weren’t already pouring the floor.
Magnolia’s New Dogpatch Brewery & Restaurant Details, Set to Open in 2011

In case you missed it, the folks at Uppercasing did an inside look at the Haight location last June.
Blood and Guts: A Look Inside Magnolia

I interviewed Dave McLean a year ago*, and he said that Magnolia had beer at the Haight location and provided beer to about 20 draft accounts. To service the extra capacity, Magnolia has been working out of the same brewery as Hermitage in San Jose. Hermitage’s brewmaster, Peter Licht, is a long time trusted friend of Dave’s — they met in college at UC Davis. Unfortunately — or fortunately for us — San Jose is only a band-aid solution to their production needs. When Magnolia Dogpatch is at working capacity — 5000 barrels — that will leave the Haight for more experimental and small batch beers. The Dogpatch location has room for ten to twelve thousand barrel capacity if things go especially well.

Dave has tapped chef Dennis Lee of Namu to provide whole-animal butchery and non-denominational barbecue: neither Kansas City, Texas, nor South Carolinian, but a chance to “geek out on barbecue” like they do their beer. He had been hoping for a US-only whiskey list produced by Daniel Hyatt, but as Tabblehopper reports, Mr. Hyatt isn’t part of the Magnolia empire any more.

So, raise a glass to Dave’s amazing beard and get ready, because it can’t possibly be another year of waiting.


* yes, these notes have laid around that long.

2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. […] for years though the new brewery will give them an additional 5,000 barrels to work with (at first) per the Dogpatch Howler. The facility is expandable in the future should they ever need more than 10k square […]

  2. Dogpatch Howler › Smokestack Restaurant Almost Open on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at 9:00 am

    […] Howler coverage: Magnolia Under Construction Magnolia Teases Us Again This was written by Jesse Mullan. Posted on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, at […]