Hogan’s Goat Tavern

Hogan’s Goat Tavern
2289 3rd St
San Francisco, CA 94107

As of last January, the former owner was still trying to hang on, as explained in this brief article in the Potrero View:

As of October, the Sea Star came under new ownership, and the owners have been spending that time renovating. Soooo, the Sea Star Club is dead, long live the Hogan’s Goat Tavern!

I peeked inside, but Christopher, one of the new owners, told me that I wasn’t allowed to photograph it — despite the whole “anything you can photograph from a public space like a sidewalk is fair game” thing. In any case, the bar was still in a state of construction, and as of Tuesday the new sign had not been hung and the old sign was lit. Going out in a blaze of glory?

Christopher has on occasion served me to deleterious effect — but I don’t blame him.

One Comment

  1. Anon E. Mouse wrote:

    I went to the Goat on Friday and it is a solid contribution to Dogpatch. Chris, the owner, tended bar and was in high spirits. Lots of locals and I talked with an older couple from Bayview. Construction is not complete but the bar is beautiful. They need to add some seats for the midget-sized tables and air out the room to remove the smell of new paint but otherwise I look forward to my next visit!

    Yelp has some reviews: http://www.yelp.com/biz/the-goat-san-francisco-2

    Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 11:24 am | Permalink

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