Lot Blighted

The city saw fit to issue a “Notice Of Violation Blighted Vacant Lot” for our favorite local graffiti canvas. This is not without reason, as it was filled with garbage for most of the last year, and now is full of nothing but graffiti. What would you like to see in that spot? My vote is an entrance to a subway leading to the Mission so I can more easily vary my daily burrito intake.
Vacant Lot Blighted

However, as long as we’re talking about blighted properties that should be rehabilitated, let’s talk city property. The old police station and emergency room are wallowing in bird excretions — a state unbecoming such beautiful historical buildings. What is your vote for a new lease on their lives? Mine is for them to be turned into free office space for local bloggers*.

* Just kidding — unless you’re into that.

One Comment

  1. throgers wrote:

    Instead of a tunnel *to* the Mission, we could build a spur line to the Alameda-Weehawken Burrito tunnel:


    Friday, March 23, 2012 at 8:43 am | Permalink

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