Total Eclipse of the Patch

I guess the moon and sun had a little party.


I was a little under the weather, but convinced my fiancée to help me make a camera obscura — which also conveniently obscures my identity*.

Weirdly, while we were standing around staring at the little projected eclipse-in-a-box, some older folks came over and asked if I was an astronomer and how I had learned to do that. I was shocked. Is this what the older generations have come to? I thought it was something that everyone did when they were in first grade. Then again, I got laughed at for bringing a big cardboard box to school with a pinhole in it.

* I haven’t posted a link to that interview because I simply cannot bear to read transcriptions the things that I have said out loud. It always sounds funnier in my own head, especially when I type it.

Turn around

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