Pistol whipping is no joke. The 1100 block of 22nd is pretty much under 280.
Ofc. E. Teper says:
On November 14th at 9:30 pm, a 24 year old victim was robbed on the 1100 block of 22nd St. The victim was met by the responding officers at a hospital in another county, where he was being treated for his injuries. He told them that he had gotten off the train at the Caltrain Station in the area after realizing that he had missed his stop. He took out his cell phone and called a friend for a ride. As he was putting his phone back, he noticed a group of four subjects standing nearby. One of the suspects walked up to him and asked to borrow his phone. When the victim told the suspect that the battery was dead, the suspect pulled out a handgun and ordered the victim to give up his belongings. The other subjects joined the suspect with the gun and surrounded the victim. The armed suspect struck the victim on the head with the gun and when the victim fell, all of the suspects began to go through his pockets, taking all of his belongings. The suspects then fled on foot. The victim managed to get a passerby to drive him home after which a family member brought him to the hospital. The robbery was reported to police four hours after the crime took place. This incident is under investigation. (SFPD Case No. 120924601)
Filed under Dogpatch
Friday, November 16, 2012 with tags crime.
If you haven’t heard the buzz, the Chocolate Lab has been officially open since 11 this morning!
Mr. Recchiuti told me the other night that not all of the permanent furniture has shown up, and seemed chagrined by the rented bar stools, but to my unpracticed eyes the space was beautiful, clean, and nicely appointed.
Daily Candy says:
give your taste buds a high at Chocolate Lab, Michael Recchiuti’s dessert cafe, opening today in Dogpatch
The problem with breaking new is that sometimes things change on the fly.
Marc Goldfine sent over an email:
There’s been a slight change of plans. We won’t be closing for renovations immediately as there are still some things to be finalized. For the time being the Dogpatch Saloon will continue to run relatively unchanged, possibly through the holidays. I’ll keep you posted.
Perhaps they went back into negotiations:
Howler: Will you keep the gallon jar of mysterious brown alcohol with a tiger penis floating in it?
Goldfine: Although it is delicious, the tiger penis whiskey belongs to Mike Apicelli. We should be so lucky that he’d leave it to us. We may have to find another boozy means of enhancing our virility.
I don’t think “delicious” is the word I would use. “Malicious,” maybe, but maybe that’s just my remembered headache*.
I ran into Mike on the street on Wednesday when I was foolishly defying my head cold and going in to my day job. He said that he is keeping the lights on for a bit, but that after a handful of serious medical issues — that he rattled off nonchalantly and with a twinkle in his eye — he was ready to retire.
* I dreamed that I was a tiger, and when I woke up, my pillow was gone!
Filed under Dogpatch
Friday, November 9, 2012.
Silent Auction and Benefit
Serpentine Restaurant
2495 3rd Street San Francisco, CA 94107
November 11, 2012 6 to 9pm
RSVP on Facebook
A memorial page on Facebook
As I’m sure many of you already know, San Francisco recently lost one of its highly valued residents. A senseless, unexplained act of violence in the Mission left our friend in a coma. His wife ultimately made the decision to take him off of life support and donate his organs to families in need at SF General.
Cesar worked at Serpentine since the day its doors opened 5 years ago. He was an invaluable and much loved member of our restaurant family. If you’ve dined with us, you have in some way been touched by what he has done for this restaurant and – in a larger sense – for this city as a whole. Cesar cooked, cleaned, and staffed more restaurants than any of us can list.
Cesar left a wife and four children in a small village in Mexico. He came to San Francisco to provide for his family and give them a better life. He left San Francisco with a beautiful legacy, a legion of friends, and the gift of life. We are asking your support with the expenses of getting him home and assisting his loved ones. You may never know the amazing person he was, but know that we have been touched and will walk forward as better people because of it.
We are hosting a taco bar, and are asking for a $20 donation at the door. Cocktails will be available for purchase and we will be having a silent auction. 100% of all proceeds will be given to Cesar’s family.
Donations can be made in the form of silent auction items, purveyor materials, and – more importantly – your spirit and attendance.
We thank you all for your support.
We have some amazing donors for the auction and the turnout should be great.
Thursday, November 8th from 5:30-8:00pm
Pier 70 @ 20th, Bldg. 11/Orton Office
RSVP: http://pier70openhouse.eventbrite.com
Forest City says:
Building on years of community engagement by the Port of San Francisco, Forest City seeks to continue learning what makes up the local culture around Pier 70. We commissioned a Potrero-based artist, Wendy MacNaughton, to tell her own story of the neighborhood and its people – past and present. We then hosted brainstorms, one-on-one meetings, and workshops with local residents, cultural institution leaders, business owners, and community advocates to further understand their experience of the surrounding neighborhoods and see how Pier 70 could integrate and become a unique waterfront destination.
We invite you to join us at our Open House on Thursday, November 8th at the Noonan Building (Orton Office / Building 11 on Pier 70) between 5:30 – 8:00pm to view our Principles of Place, discuss what we have learned so far and how it is shaping the future of Pier 70. Please RSVP by using the link below.
RSVP: http://pier70openhouse.eventbrite.com
Filed under Dogpatch
Saturday, November 3, 2012.
Some mornings when I am staggering coffee-less and zombie-like out of the house, Michael Recchiuti is out in front of his soon-to-open shop, watering plants and being productive. Every time I ask him “when, sir, when” he looks frightened, as though a zombie had shambled up to him. He does reply “soon, when our custom furniture arrives,” though.
This exchange is all about to change, though, as a very important announcement has been made.
Recchiuti Confections says:
Chocolate Lab opens this month! Be sure to follow Chocolate Lab on Facebook and Twitter (@ChocolateLabSF) to stay up-to-date on menu items, special events, and more!

Also, the other day I was walking past and spotted them filming some sort of… presentation… inside. I’ll leave you with this image, which I will pretend is intentionally mysterious…

Filed under Dogpatch
Friday, November 2, 2012.
Fortune 40 Under 40 Party Brings Innovation Stars To San Francisco
Huffington Post says:
San Francisco’s tech and business glitterati gathered at Dogpatch’s Obscura Labs on Thursday
Except, weirdly, I’ve only seen it called Obscura Digital‘s headquarters, or perhaps a “Geometric Fortress.”
They were just mentioned in 7×7:
Hot 30: Obscura Digital’s Electric Light Brigade
Here’s an older mention in the Sydney Morning Herald:
Tripping the light fantastic with chic geeks
In any case, their office appears to be one million times nicer than the Howler offices.
Filed under Dogpatch
Friday, November 2, 2012.
Henry sent over link to a short film that he made about photographer and sometime carpenter Paul Kirchner making a liquor cabinet. The cabinet is lovely and I would be glad to make room for it in the spacious Howler offices.
Please enjoy the film:
MAKER UNKNOWN – documentary short-film from CLUBSODA on Vimeo.
Filed under Dogpatch
Friday, November 2, 2012.
Marc Goldfine sent over an email saying:
Here’s a brief update on what’s happening at the Dogpatch Saloon.
We take over on Monday 11/5 and will close to do some cleanup, replace some equipment, and do a little work on the interior. It’s always hard to say with these things exactly when it will be ready, but hopefully it will move along quickly. I’ll let you know how it’s going as we progress.
We like great beer, great sprits, and we have an affinity for cocktails, so you’ll be seeing more of that in the new incarnation of the Dogpatch Saloon.
We think the name is great and we’re keeping it, and the atmosphere will be casual and welcoming.
I and my partners- Chris, Sky, and Derek- are excited and looking forward to becoming a part of the Dogpatch. This is a great neighborhood which is rightfully proud of its history and optimistic about it’s future, and the people here have a strong sense of place and really care. We hope to fit right in.
I’ll be in touch as things move along.
Marc Goldfine
Partner, Dogpatch Saloon
I’ve been walking an extra block to hit the Goat since Christopher scowled his way into my heart, but I’ll be stopping in at the Saloon to see it out and see it reborn, especially if the rumors about the neighborhood’s future bar count are true. Hint: one.
Restaurants don’t count.
Filed under Dogpatch
Wednesday, October 31, 2012.
I don’t know if you were aware, but the other night one of our local sports teams won a national series of games to be crowned “World Champions.” It would have been easy to miss, what with the lack of bonfires and vandalism in sleepy Dogpatch. Just an hour or two of honking and probably-illegal fireworks in the streets, as is right and proper.
The Huffington Post recently interviewed some time Upper Dogpatch resident Barry Zito about his part in the miraculous series:
Barry Zito Interview: San Francisco Giants Pitcher On World Series Win
Of note is the next to last question, in which Huffington Post SF says:
If you had one final day in San Francisco, what would you do?
I would go for a walk with Amber and our two dogs around some of the cool neighborhoods–the Mission, Potrero Hill and Dogpatch.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Go Giants!
Filed under Dogpatch
Tuesday, October 30, 2012.